About Us

The press, otherwise known as the fourth estate of the realm and further branded the watch dog of the society has since history suffered a deluge of injustices, neglects and persecutions. It has also been highly gagged and suffocated by many authorities and at different levels; the consequence upon which the society has remained in it rotten and messy situation and this authorities is on unabashed.

Since history this authorities have been neck deep inc corruption, in-decorum, high handedness and power drunkenness which the press has continuously exposes and the call culprits made to pay for their heinous crimes.

The instrumentality and uprightness of the press in it quest to sanitize the society has also suffered some serious challenges and setbacks. But the press, even in suffocating state has sustained a highly level of doggedness in the quest to read the society of this inhuman crimes and make it better for the living the comfort of our future generation.

It is therefore in line with this struggle and the furtherance of good governance through effective information that remarkable affect are constantly be made in all quarters of the realm to better the polity that we, in true verdict have decide to contribute our quota and lend our voice to the call of a better society.

Our Mission

Our mission therefore, is to practice journalism in the professional tradition, in respective of odds, of presenting news and opinions in an impeccable manner with precision, impact and balance that will apply to all concerned and generate dividend to Our stockholders at all levels, our leadership, the society, the investors, our team and other members of the
profusion, in this way, we believe that our society will be made better and the profusion more traditional with full observance of it ethics with a passion in Conveyance of the people’s verdict …